​Regarding Congress, section 230 of the Communications Decency Act provides legal immunity from liability for internet services and users for content posted on the internet.  Change this provision, empower conservatives to sue Big Tech for censorship, make the case for free speech and expression.

About the Author

Peter J. Hasson is an investigative reporter with The Daily Caller, a conservative news and opinion site located in Washington, D.C.   Hasson began writing for The Daily Caller in November 2015. As a reporter for The Daily Caller, he broke several national stories.   He is the author of "The Manipulators: Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Big Tech's War on Conservatives"

What can we do?

At their core, Google, Facebook and Twitter are all about making money.  Big Tech silences conservatives not just because they want to, but because the left has made it financially painful for them not to crack down on “hate speech” and “fake news.”  If conservatives want equal treatment, they will need to adopt the practices of the left, make censorship of content painful and costly to Big Tech.

One method is to make it embarrassing for Big Tech to censor conservative media.  Second, conservatives need to make noise.   In this battle, every conservative needs to become a citizen activist, a citizen journalist.  Conservatives need to get more involved with social media, and support news sites so that our voices will continue to be heard.  Social media is a level playing field.   Big Tech gives the left what it wants because they agree with the left and they fear the left.  When Big Tech fears conservatives just as much-either by censoring viewpoints or loss of money- they will have to respond and change.   Big stakes in this battle and conservatives must win.