The core tactic is simple: demonize anyone who gets in the way of the radical left agenda. 

​For the left, it is no longer acceptable to allow traditionalists to go their own way and practice their own beliefs.  Those beliefs are under attack, our faith and liberty being stripped away.  Phrases such as "children belong to the state when in the classroom" or small businesses being told "you didn't build that" or "America is not exceptional."   If you are white, you must pay obeisance and make amends for those who have suffered repression.  And if you are a person of faith, you must remain silent or be punished with loss of employment, lawsuits and even the threat of imprisonment.

And this is just the beginning.   Once the Left seizes power, these rules will be codified in law and enforced everywhere.   Examples include the suppression of conservative speech in the public arena, the "Misinformation Bureau" to regulate speech, Packing the Supreme Court to get the court findings to comply with Leftist world views, and more.

We can no longer accept the dominance of radical viewpoints in the media, politics, or education. We are conservatives, and we will practice our beliefs in public without interference or questioning. And we will speak out against anyone who tries to curtail our liberties.  To read the full article, click on READ MORE

The Ugliest Form of Antagonism Is Targeting Conservatives, by J Folks, American Thinker

The Democratic Party of today has embraced a strategy of Antagonism toward the culture of our country as well as values such as gender distinctions, capitalism, patriotism, religious faith, morality and evil.​ The Antagonists are now in charge of the Democratic Party.   

They control Biden Admin policy, are everywhere in education, control much of the court system and are determined to press their fiery nihilism to its destructive end, inciting a revolutionary crisis intended to sweep away constitutional democracy and replace it with a totalitarian state.

We are witnessing the consequences for destruction of gender distinctions, teaching CRT, the breakdown of law and order, the defund the police movement, labelling parents at schoolboard meetings "domestic terrorists," the lockdown of faith-based institutions during covid and more, all tacitly sanctioned by the radical left.

​The law is no longer blind and disinterested, but adjudicates indictment, prosecution, verdict, and punishment on the ideology of the accused. Eric Holder is held in contempt of Congress and smiles; Peter Navarro is held in contempt of Congress and is hauled off in cuffs and leg-irons. James Clapper and John Brennan lied under oath to Congress—and were rewarded with television contracts; Roger Stone did the same and a SWAT team showed up at his home. Andrew McCabe made false statements to federal investigators and was exempt. A set-up George Papadopoulos went to prison for a similar charge. So goes the new American commissariat.

​In a word, the one-party state is Sovietized. Public policy is no longer empirical but subservient to green, diversity, equity, and inclusion dogmas—and detached from the reality of daily middle-class existence. Decline is ensured once ideology governs problem-solving rather than time-tested and successful policymaking.

In a similar fashion, the common denominator in Joe Biden’s two years of colossal failures is Soviet-like edicts of equity, climate change, and neo-socialist redistribution that have ensured (for the non-elite, in any event) soaring inflation, unaffordable energy, rampant crime, and catastrophic illegal immigration. Playing the role of Pravda, Biden and his team simply denied things were bad, relabeled failure as success, and attacked his predecessor and critics as various sorts of counterrevolutionaries.   Biden rejected commonsense, bipartisan policies that in the past kept inflation low, energy affordable, crime controlled, and the border manageable. Instead, he superimposed leftist dogma on every decision, whose ideological purity, not real-life consequences for millions, was considered the measure of success.

​Entire professions have now nearly been lost to radical progressive ideology.   Cabinet secretaries ignore their duties—somewhat understandable given their resumes never explained their appointments. What binds a Pete Buttigieg, Alejandro Mayorkas, and Jennifer Granholm is not expertise in transportation, border security, or energy independence but allegiance to an entire menu of woke policies that are often antithetical to their own job descriptions.  In the last five years, American Sovietization has descended into reparatory representation. Due to prior collective culpability of whites, heterosexuals, and males, marginalized self-defined groups of victims must now be “overrepresented” in admissions, hiring, and visibility in popular culture 

As the Soviets and Maoists discovered—and as was true of the Jacobins, National Socialists, and cultural Marxists—once radical ideology defines success, then life in general becomes anti-meritocratic. The public privately equates awards and recognition with political fealty, not actual achievement.

​Where does woke Sovietization end once accountability vanishes and ideology masks incompetence and malfeasance?  We are starting to see the final denouement with missing baby formula, epidemics of shootings and hate crimes, train-robbings reminiscent of the Wild West in Los Angeles, Tombstonesque shoot-up Saturday nights in Chicago, spiking electricity rates and brownouts, $7 a gallon diesel fuel, unaffordable and scarce meat, and entire industries from air travel to home construction that simply no longer work.   Behind all our disasters there looms an ideology, a creed that ignores cause and effect in the real world—without a shred of concern for the damage done to those outside the nomenklatura.  To read the full article, click on READ MORE

The Sovietization of American Life By Dr. Victor Davis Hanson

"​One day historians will look back at the period beginning with the COVID lockdowns of spring 2020 through the midterm elections of 2022 to understand how America for over two years lost its collective mind and turned into something unrecognizable and antithetical to its founding principles.

“Sovietization” is perhaps the best diagnosis of the pathology. It refers to the subordination of policy, expression, popular culture, and even thought to ideological mandates. Ultimately such regimentation destroys a state since dogma wars with and defeats meritocracy, creativity, and freedom. 

So what can we do?     Continue...