Deceive the Sky, by Bill Gertz

​Military Exchanges: Pentagon and US military must adopt new policy 

America's Military  must recognize the CCP and People’s Liberation Army (PLA) as the enemy.   Until military exchanges can be shown to produce real, tangible results, they should be halted.

​​Military Gray Zone Warfare: Develop asymmetrical warfare capabilities designed to negate Chinese military, cyber, electronic and psychological warfare capabilities

Electronic warfare is a key advantage of the US.  Cyberattack capabilities should be focused on penetration and disruption of Chinese command, control and communications to prevent missiles from being launched or weapons fired.

Expand Military Missile Defense: The region surrounding China needs robust defensive systems                              

US should offer anti-ballistic missile defense systems to friendly nations (India, Japan, Mongolia, Philippines, Thailand, others) to counter the growing missile threat from China.​

Political: Create a parliament in exile

As the CCP begins to unravel, it will be important to begin building political parties and civic associations that will represent the interests of the people in an emerging democratic system.  The exile parliament will be made up of pro-democracy exiles who can meet and debate solutions and proposals for addressing wide range of problems, communicated to the people on the mainland


The implementation of these measures and others will begin the urgent process of bringing liberation to China’s 1.4 billion people who overwhelmingly reject rule by the Communist Party of China. 
